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* St. Francis Motorcycle Museum *

Biketember Fest 2024

Start: Sept. 21, 2024, 8:30 a.m.

End: Sept. 21, 2024, 6 p.m.



I have had many messages the last few days about Biketember Fest! Yes, we are having it! Help spread the word! We are on Central time!
🏍️September 21, 2024🏍️
Poker Run registration from 8:30-10! Riders in by 1:30. Prizes awarded around 2:30! Come and check out the bikes, we have some new ones in and are expecting 3-5 more! Rearranging has occurred to give you a different perspective and maybe see something you missed on your last visit! Make St. Francis, Kansas your next destination!! We are in the NW corner of Kansas, about 15 miles east of Colorado and 15 miles south of Nebraska! See you on the 21st!