If there are posts, events, or listings related to your business or organization, and you would like to have control of what is displayed. Please register an account and contact us through the Contact Us form, and I can get administrative access transferred to your account.
Cookie policy

This site does use cookies.

The cookies this site uses:
csrf_token: This cookie verifies that a form to be processed on this site was sent from this site. It is there to keep someone from inserting malicious data into the database.

sessionid: This cookie saves the fact that you are logged in. If it wasn't there, you would have to log in every time you switched pages. And it is immediately destroyed if you log out.

Stripe: This site uses stripe for money transactions (the donate function). they add a couple of cookies for validation.

Cookies can be viewed in the developer settings in your browser. Cookies also have a time limit, at some point (usually 2 weeks) they are deleted automatically.

Privacy Policy

cncobb = Cheyenne Co Bulletin Board

We at cncobb will not post, share, or sell any information about the users of the site. We will only post data that you designate as sharable. This includes bulletin board posts, events on the calendar, and directory information if you state that you want to be in the directory, by checking the 'display in directory' box on your profile page. In the directory, only the information you provide will be shown. The only required field is the 'display name', and that is because we need a way of indexing your listing in the directory.

Privacy is important, and we will do our best to keep your "don't-display' information private. There is a collection of security measures on our end, and there are steps you can take as well that will help ensure your information stays private.

Don't give your login information to anyone. If you have trouble remembering your passwords, there are many 'password keeper' programs out there. If you write your passwords in a book, or on paper, make sure your notes are hidden somewhere where they won't be easily found by someone else.

If you think your account might be compromised, try to get into your account and change your password. You should be changing your password periodically anyway. We at cncobb aren't going to force password changes, but you still should do them every once in a while.

If you find that you can no longer get into your account, use the password reset link. If that isn't helping, send me an email and I will do my best to get the problem fixed.

Only display information on the site that you are comfortable being public. Everything you put in your bulletin board posts and events will be shown on the public-facing part of this site, but for the directory, only enter information you are okay with people knowing. The only required field is the display name, all other fields are optional.

Together we can ensure every user's privacy. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.


Handling of sensitive data:
There are a couple of cases where you enter sensitive data while using this site. And it is important for you to know what information of yours that we have access to.

Your password is stored in our database as an encrypted hash, meaning it is encoded into a long, very ugly string of characters. We cannot see, or figure out what your password is. We can reset your password, and this is automated for you through the password reset and forgot password forms.

If you decide to donate to the site (first off, thank you, websites cost money to keep alive, and every dollar helps), your transaction is processed through a company called Stripe. On this site, we do record a transaction that contains: the date and time of the transaction, a locally generated order number, the user who made the transaction, and the amount. When it is time to make the payment, you are directed to a Stripe-hosted page. They process your card through their system and then send you back to this site.