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* Western Prairie Food, Farm & Community Alliance *

Western Prairie Food, Farm & Community Alliance is looking for a Cheyenne Co representative




The Western Prairie Food, Farm, and Community Alliance (WPFFCA) is a regional food alliance for public officials, private sector partners, and food producers to better balance the demand for healthy local foods with market development. This will be accomplished through diverse partnerships for community-driven policy, programs, and education projects that impact health, economic development, small food business development, and natural resources conservation.

The council includes representatives from Cheyenne, Decatur, Gove, Logan, Rawlins, Sheridan, Sherman, Thomas, and Wallace Counties.

The purpose of the group is to actively seek to improve access to regionally grown healthy food options while promoting educational resources for the benefit of the local population in Northwest Kansas.

The WPFFCA has 2 reps per county, and currently, there is only one from Cheyenne Co.

If you are interested in being a rep for Cheyenne Co, please contact Jason @ 785-772-5151, or email: padgett.jason@gmail.com